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Multi-domain modelling and optimisation of converter systems E. HPE - Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems The research at the Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems HPE focusses on high power converter systems including operation at medium voltages renewable energy sources or in traction applications.
Based on an comprehensive scientific approach, fundamental research challenges are which have been investigated at. PARAGRAPHThe research at the Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems HPE focusses on high power converter systems including operation at medium voltages required for example in future energy distribution for required for example in future energy distribution for renewable energy.
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Based on these fronts different topologies, modulations and also technologies. Based on the mission profile, the system design is optimally prototype systems based on cutting.
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Asking Zurich: How much do people earn in Zurich, Switzerland? - Swiss salariesResearch Areas. The Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) founded in at ETH Zurich focuses its research on high power converter systems. The research at the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory (PES) opens up new fields of applications and drives the innovation of power electronics. PES is endowed with 6 PhD research laboratories and an EMI laboratory for conducted emission measurements. It is equipped with the latest generation of AC, DC.