7000 bitcoin ransom

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He Stole $3.4 BILLION - But Made One Mistake
bitcoin-office.com � Sanctions and Illicit Finance. Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center paid a $17, ransom in bitcoin to a hacker who seized control of the hospital's computer systems and. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a victim's files or systems, rendering them inaccessible. The attackers then demand payment, typically in Bitcoin.
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The scammer also directed the victim to open an account on another platform, trader. Instead, she was told that her account was frozen, and she would have to deposit the additional funds to unfreeze it and withdraw any money. Aimee also pressured him to obtain loans to pay the taxes. When he attempted to withdraw the funds, Coinrus. Please help improve the article by providing more context for the reader , especially: background information on wallet cryptography and central exchange vulnerabilities related to security of blockchain assets.